Find a group, agency or service provider near you.
We have collected links and contact information for the most widely used resources for people with disabilities in Metro Vancouver, BC. This includes resources from our popular Accessible Community Forums and their topic areas! Browse the categories below to find a group, agency or service provider near you.
See the world
Mental Health
Take care of yourself
Arts & Culture
Explore your creativity
Sex Aids
Love safely
The Disability Foundation and its affiliated societies comply with COVID-19 protocols as determined by the provincial health authorities (e.g., BC: https://www.worksafebc.com/en/covid-19). Our workers and volunteers will follow such protocols and must be vaccinated to work with and within our organizations (offices, program locations, and home visits), unless a medical exemption is in place. To protect our workers and volunteers, we expect our clients and partners to comply with COVID-19 health and safety regulations which means fully vaccinated unless there is a medical exemption.
Thank you for making everyone’s health and safety the top priority.