

These resources can assist people with disabilities with securing a job.
General Employment Resources
Lower Mainland
Back in Motion Employment provides industry-leading, professional employment solutions, to assist people in overcoming barriers and reaching their full employment potential.
British Columbia
Jobs West enables people with developmental disabilities to prepare for, find & maintain community-based employment placements
British Columbia
The BC Centre for Ability believes that every person with a disability is a valued member of the community. By raising awareness, identifying opportunities, recruiting candidates, and enabling training and financial support, they work with employers and individuals to help create diverse and inclusive workplaces.
Self-Management British Columbia
British Columbia
Self-Management BC offers free health programs for adults of all ages living with one or more ongoing health conditions. Programs are offered virtually, online, by telephone, or by mail for adults living in BC.
British Columbia
Brainstreeams.ca is continually revising, adapting and creating content to ensure British Columbians are informed about the brain and brain injury and have access to the kind of information they require, when they require it. They hope to fulfill an existing gap in the brain injury community.
The Burnaby Association for Community Inclusion
British Columbia
The Burnaby Association for Community Inclusion provides a wide range of training, development, social, recreational and employment opportunities. Throughout BACI, and through their collaborations with local businesses, we support the economic inclusion of people with disabilities.
Victoria Disability Resource Center
The essential program components are Information and Referral, Peer Support, Skills Development and Employment, and Research and Development. By providing these four core programs consumers, regardless of their disability, are empowered and enabled to define their own goals, find peer support and develop empowerment skills.
Employment and Empowerment Project
Employment and Empowerment Project (EEP) is designed to support youth gain a foothold to sustainable employment through work experience. This project provides the opportunity for youth facing barriers to employment to have incentive and support to navigate the labour market with a paid 12-week job experience. If you are an employer or a youth between the age of 16 – 30 and would like to be a part of this opportunity, RCD would love to hear from you.
This organization uses technology, knowledge and passion to empower Canadians with disabilities in the workplace and foster economic and social inclusiveness. NSS programs help people with disabilities prepare for, obtain, and maintain employment.
British Columbia
MentorAbility focuses on developing full or half-day mentoring experience in which job seekers with disabilities are matched with individual mentors – to explore career opportunities and what they need to get ahead in their desired field of interest.
Make A Change
Make A Change is a national non-profit that provides employment and skills training to Canadians who face challenges finding or maintaining employment in today’s labour market.
Community Living Organizations
British Columbia
Whether looking for a job or looking to hire, you can find support from Community Living Organizations throughout BC.
Canadian Council on Rehabilitation and Work
This organization provides information to support disabled employees and job seekers, as well as employers looking to hire and maintain an inclusive workplace.
British Columbia
This organization provides online planning resources and one-on-one coaching assistance, from career exploration to new business mentorship. Services are available free of charge to people who self-identify as living with a disability. Training is flexible and supportive with a continuous intake.
The Canadian Association for Supported Employment
The Canadian Association for Supported Employment (CASE) is a national association for the supported employment sector. They work with employment service providers, employers, community allies, and stakeholders working toward employment inclusion of people experiencing disability. They strive to facilitate full participation in the labour force by offering resources, expertise, and support to service providers.
United States and Canada
The Job Accommodation Network (JAN) provides of free, expert, and confidential guidance on job accommodations and disability employment issues. Serving customers across the United States and around the world for more than 35 years, JAN provides free one-on-one practical guidance and technical assistance on job accommodation solutions, Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and related legislation, and self-employment and entrepreneurship options for people with disabilities.
British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Ontario
The Open Door Group – formerly TheoBC – envisions a world where people achieve personal independence without limitations. Describing itself as a business-oriented, non-profit organization, it aims to enhance personal growth and economic independence.
Canadian Council on Rehabilitation and Work
CCRW provides job seekers with disabilities with tools to prepare for a career or secure employment.
Guides and Articles
Disclosing Your Disability: A Legal Guide for People with Disabilities in BC
British Columbia
This guide, created by the Disability Alliance BC, goes step-by-step through the planning and decision-making necessary when considering disclosure to an employer.
Contractors and the Duty to Accommodate
This article covers the duty of employers to accommodate for contractors by reviewing Ontario laws and policies.
Annual Earning Exemption for Employees Receiving Disability Assistance
The President’s Group discusses the Annual Earning Exemption, how it works, and the responsibilities of the employer and employee.
Disability Language Style Guide
This style guide, which covers dozens of words and terms commonly used when referring to disability, can help. The guide was developed by the National Center on Disability and Journalism at Arizona State University’s Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication and was last updated in the summer of 2021.
Writing a CV that stands out can be a challenge – even if you’re a master of what you do. You may feel like the perfect candidate for a role, but if your CV doesn’t hit the mark there’s a chance you won’t even be given the opportunity to prove yourself. Read this guide to go over the most important aspects of writing the perfect CV.
A free skill development program with classes and resources for people with disabilities interested in working in the tech industry.
Accessible Employer Database
Database of Accessible Employers
British Columbia
Members listed as Accessible Employers are publicly committed to becoming more inclusive in employment practices and hiring of individuals with disabilities, and/or Service Providers and providing accessibility services or employment support to employers.
British Columbia
This is a free resource for all users – employers who want to submit and update job listings, and job seekers, who can post resumes for potential employers to view and set up alerts to be notified when positions in their interest areas become available.
Developmental Disability Resources
British Columbia
Community Living BC is the provincial crown corporation that funds supports and services to adults with developmental disabilities, as well as individuals who have a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and who also have significant difficulty doing things on their own.
British Columbia
Ready, Willing and Able (RWA) is a national partnership of Inclusion Canada (formerly the Canadian Association for Community Living), the Canadian Autism Spectrum Disorders Alliance (CASDA) and their member organizations. Funded by the Government of Canada, RWA is designed to increase the labour force participation of people with an intellectual disability or on the autism spectrum.
Developmental Disabilities Association
Vancouver, Richmond
Developmental Disabilities Association is a community living agency that provides over 50 community-based programs and services to children and adults with developmental disabilities and their families in Vancouver and Richmond. They create extended networks of support, invest in individual needs, and strive for an inclusive and safe community. Over 1,800 individuals and families in the Vancouver and Richmond area are serviced by DDA every year.
Learning Disabilities Association of British Columbia
British Columbia
Mission is to advance the education, employment, social development, legal rights and general well being of people with learning disabilities in the province of British Columbia. Currently there are chapters in Victoria, Vancouver, Surrey, Vernon and Williams Lake. Each chapter provides direct community programming.
The Inclusive Workplace offers free eLearning courses and downloadable resources for businesses, job seekers and employees on the autism spectrum or with an intellectual disability and employment agencies.
British Columbia
Worktopia is a National Employment Network with a shared goal to change the odds of employment success for people with autism.
British Columbia
WayFinder’s personalized approach includes one on one discussions around holistic inclusion, guided by an individual’s needs. They help families and individuals set their Life Plan of Inclusion to live richer, fuller lives, weaving employment as one strand within the larger picture.
British Columbia
Active in 20 communities across the country, RWA is designed to increase the labour force participation of people with an intellectual disability or Autism Spectrum Disorder.
British Columbia
This organization supports persons with disabilities in education and training, finding employment, and customized employment experiences.
JET (Jobs, Employment, and Training)
British Columbia
JET is an innovative project aimed to support young adults 19 years of age and older with disabilities. JET is for individuals who are no longer eligible for school, but still need to acquire skills in critical areas.
British Columbia
This organization helps adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD, OCD, and other diverse abilities let their special skills shine through in local workplaces.
British Columbia
This organization offers employment preparedness training and support, combined with job sampling and hands-on experience, to adults with autism and other disabilities. The program is designed for individuals who want to enter or return to the workforce, and who are willing to develop and practice the skills needed to support employment success.
Government Resources
British Columbia
Working with individuals, health authorities, insurance companies, WorkSafeBC’s team of experienced professionals provide evidence-based treatment and collaborative, flexible solutions.
Government of Canada Employment Program
The Government of Canada Employment Program has a focus of hiring people with disabilities and provides resources to encourage so.
British Columbia
Work-Able is a 12-month paid internship with the BC Public Service for recent post-secondary graduates (within the last three years) who self-identify as having a disability. Each year, this unique program provides learning, coaching and mentorship to a group of up to 15 interns.
Opportunities Fund for Persons with Disabilities
British Columbia
The Opportunities Fund program helps persons with disabilities prepare for, obtain, and maintain employment or self-employment to increase their economic participation and independence
British Columbia
Disability Alliance BC’s Disability Law Clinic provides free legal advice to people with disabilities about human rights and discrimination, including accommodations related to the COVID-19 virus and social distancing, accommodation in the workplace, access to transportation, access to education, housing, and service animals. They can also provide advice to people having problems with their disability benefits.
British Columbia
Spectrum Works Consulting is a boutique consulting firm with highly trained teams of experts who support individuals on the autism spectrum with employment issues. They also provide training for employers.
British Columbia
CBI is a group of professionals with diverse backgrounds committed to current, evidence based practices in inclusion, person centered planning, family-centered practice, collaborative teaming and positive behaviour support. CBI offers customized employment programs, autism services, behavioural therapy, and more.
These resources can assist people with disabilities with entrepreneurial interests.
Entrepreneurship Resources
British Columbia
The Community Futures Network of British Columbia is mandated to support small business development and rural economic diversification in British Columbia.
Entrepreneurs With Disabilities Program
British Columbia
The Entrepreneurs with Disabilities Program supports entrepreneurs with disabilities or ongoing health conditions to start or grow their businesses.
These resources can assist employers looking to increase their accessibility.
General Employer Resources
British Columbia
Accessible Employers invites all employers and business owners around the province to join the inclusive employment movement.
British Columbia
The BC Centre for Ability believes that every person with a disability is a valued member of the community. By raising awareness, identifying opportunities, recruiting candidates, and enabling training and financial support, they work with employers and individuals to help create diverse and inclusive workplaces.
Canadian Council on Rehabilitation and Work
This organization provides information to support disabled employees and job seekers, as well as employers looking to hire and maintain an inclusive workplace.
British Columbia
Spectrum Works Consulting is a boutique consulting firm with highly trained teams of experts who support individuals on the Autism Spectrum Disorder with employment issues. They also provide training for employers.
The Inclusive Workplace offers free eLearning courses and downloadable resources for businesses, job seekers and employees on the autism spectrum or with an intellectual disability and employment agencies.
Autism and Neurodiversity in the Workplace Course
British Columbia
This program includes a series of six self-paced, interactive modules filled with useful activities and videos. The program is designed to assist human resource professionals, employers, supervisors, managers, co-workers, job coaches and counsellors, autistic employees, parents, students, and anyone interested in inclusive employment to learn practical strategies on how to support all employees to be successful on the job.