Access Clinic
Located in BC Women’s Hospital, the Access Clinic provides gynaecological care for women with disabilities.
Action Canada for Sexual Health & Rights
Organization working to advance and uphold sexual and reproductive rights in Canada and globally – provides resources on sex with disabilities.
Offers the Bump’n Joystick, a sex toy designed for and by disabled people to be enjoyed by all.
Cute Little F*ckers
Create inclusive and accessible sex toys.
Real Talk
Real Talk provides sexual education for adults with cognitive disabilities, who may not be getting proper information, through free workshop conversations.
Inclusive sexual education guides for teens and young adults, also with information on sexual health for people with disabilities.
A project of Shore Centre, Sex-Ability provides programs and services regarding sexual health for people with developmental disabilities
SIECCAN (Sex Information and Education Council of Canada) provides sexual health resources for youth with physical disabilities and autism, including a toolkit on sexual health promotion.
Smart Sex Resource
Information about STIs and sexual health provided by the BC Centre for Disease Control. Also provides a British Columbia clinic finder.
Spinal Cord Injury BC
604-324-4111 |
Provides sexual health education and support to youth and adults with physical disabilities, as well as advice on healthy relationships.
Sexual health education for children and youth with disabilities.
Vancouver Coastal Health
Offers inclusive resources and services through their sexual health program.
Venus Envy
Venus Envy is an inclusive and educational sex shop and bookstore that celebrates consensual sex, rather than portraying it as shameful.