

This section covers resources specifically for individuals with disabilities or their caregivers who are looking to understand parking permits.
Parking Permits
British Columbia
Since 1984, SPARC BC has managed B.C.’s Parking Permit Program for People with Disabilities. Apply for or renew your permit to use designated parking spots anywhere in B.C.
British Columbia
Disability Parking Permits allow permit holders to park in handicap parking spaces across British Columbia. People In Motion issues these permits in the City of Kamloops and Thompson/Nicola Region, after receiving a completed application.
Money Geek – Obtaining a Handicap Parking Permit
Understanding the qualifying conditions to obtaining a handicap parking spot and the types of permits is important before applying for one. Use Moneygeek’s resource to learn more about parking permits.
This section covers resources that inform the public of existing standards and regulations regarding accessible parking.
British Columbia
Misuse or abuse of designated accessible parking spaces is a widespread problem for seniors and people living with a disability. Since 2015, SPARC BC has received hundreds of calls each year about improper use of these spaces. Their team works with local law enforcement to strengthen enforcement of the Parking Permit Program, as well as initiating their own public education campaigns about the importance of these spaces for people who need them.
Acts, Laws, and Bylaws
Accessibility and the BC Building Code
British Columbia
The Attorney General and Minister Responsible for Housing and the Parliamentary Secretary for Accessibility are working to update the BC Building Code to make new buildings more accessible.
British Columbia
This is the Motor Vehicle Act for British Columbia.
Accessible British Columbia Act
British Columbia
This is the Accessible British Columbia Act for British Columbia.
This bylaw regulates off-street parking in the City of Vancouver.
Northern Rockies Regional Municipality Sign Bylaw No. 73
Fort Nelson
This is bylaw regulates the use of signs and permits in City of Fort Nelson.
Existing Programs
Density bonusing, sometimes referred to as bonusing or floor area relaxations, is used as a zoning tool that permits developers to build additional floor area, in exchange for amenities and affordable housing needed by the community.
The City of Surrey is committed to providing accessible and inclusive services, programs and opportunities for all members of our community.
This section covers resources that advocate for better accessible parking in and throughout BC.
Projects and Organizations
Accessible Parking in Accessible Communities(APAC) Project
The Richmond Centre for Disability (RCD) is implementing a new project, in partnership with Social Planning and Research Council of British Columbia (SPARC), called “Accessible Parking in Accessible Communities”, funded by the BC Provincial Government, through Disability Alliance BC. The key focus is to look at potential models to strengthen community efforts around the enforcement of the use of designated accessible parking; the mainstay is GIS technology, which is supported, guided and subsequently analyzed by SPARC. We also intend to collect information on potential instances of misuse and abuse, such as “Hot Spots” with a goal to strengthen current enforcement efforts.
Burnaby Association for Community Inclusion
This organization provides a wide range of training, development, social, recreational and employment opportunities. Throughout BACI, and through their collaborations with local businesses, they support the economic inclusion of people with disabilities. BACI continues to seek opportunities to increase social awareness and effect change in the way people with disabilities are viewed in society.
Accessible Okanagan promotes wheelchair friendly discussions, activities, sports and events throughout the greater Okanagan of British Columbia, Canada.
British Columbia’s Office of the Human Rights Commissioner
British Columbia
The British Columbia’s Office of the Human Rights Commissioner exists to address the root causes of inequality, discrimination and injustice in B.C. by shifting laws, policies, practices and cultures. We do this work through education, research, advocacy, inquiry and monitoring.
David Willows’ 2018 Report on Accessible On-Street Parking
Authored by David Willows for the Accessibility Working Group, this detailed report on the state of parking in Victoria highlights how he perceives the standards of accessible on-street parking in Victoria to be inadequate for use by people with disabilities. He also explains how they lag behind the global trends towards increasing accessible parking in public places.
Facebook Pages
British Columbia
This Facebook page promoting good design and provision of accessible parking by educating and supporting its lawful use and enforcement.